Real time Backup Solution

The technology we use is well tested and proven. We have adopted this to provide a robust system of data management and support to ensure comfort and confidence in the service we provide.

The Developer Software  

ZMi P/L has utilised the services and support of an innovative company in Tasmania, ADKA Software, to develop our software solutions to our specific requirements. With a close working relationship and a good understanding of both the clients and end users needs, both companies have released  a package which is unique, simple yet very powerful.
Combining this with Mammoth VPS, the secure private server and data storage provider. All the data generated throughout the RouteMaintenance process is stored and accessed through strict security protocols. This ensures that the latest information is available and backed up when required.
ZMi P/L provides a very client based focused approach. We work closely with key personnel with your company to ensure that we meet your expectations and beyond.


Downloads - SQL Express 2008

ADKA design and develop custom software for businesses to automate, enhance & streamline their internal processes, reduce manual tasks and data entry, facilitate knowledge transfer and provide a market-breaking advantage over their competitors.
Set your business free from the constraints of generic software and open up a whole new world of possibilities.

ADKA | Don't just fit the mould - make it!

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